to implant the yield
management into the
Spa departement?
jeudi 27 novembre 2014
mercredi 26 novembre 2014
Homework session 2
Definition of Influence Marketing
Influence marketing is building a
Relationship between the brand, company or business with an individual who
might have an influence on potential new consumers or buyer.
Influence(r) Marketing
- 2 brands that are actively using Influencer Marketing
- Pepsi & Beyonce- BLOG POST
vendredi 21 novembre 2014
MBA 2 Classwork Session 2-Influencer Marketing
of Influence( r ) Marketing
àInfluential marketing is the process of connecting with those that
influence who have a large following and have the power of their voice to
increase their visibility of may more.
àInfluence marketing is the practice of identifying and building
relationships with individuals who have influence over a target audience of
are the Characteristics of an influencer?
àAppinions defines an influencer as a person, brand or company who expresses a contextually
relevant opinion that is meaningful enough to elicit action from others
There are three criteria used to identify
• Opinions: Appinions focuses on expressions
of subjectivity, indicating a personal point-of-view, rather than mere
distribution of fact
• Context: The opinions are relevant to a
user-defined topic, which is developed for a specific business need
do we know someone is Influencers?
- Book Authors
-User groups, Forums
-Blogs Analysts
-Look for lots of comments & -
-Direct to Gartner
to reach audience OFFLINE
Newspaper ads
Brochures "
Trade show
TV, radio
Designed to reach
anaudience ONLINE
· LinkedIn
2. Review Content Strategy
of paid - owned - earned content for the campaign
Marriott's campaign
· Travel Agent Mag
· Social Tables
· Infinite Legroom
· FCSI UK and Ireland
· Robert Walker
· Ali Zengin
· Andrea Ma
of one of the non-Marriott influencers
Wright on Twitter Followers : 4 461
3. 'Instagram Hotel'
many followers does an Influencer need to get a comp stay?
Instagram users with more than 10,000
followers are rewarded with a free night’s stay
is the hotel using Instagram to create 'everday influencers’?
Each month the guest who has snapped the
best Instagram picture during their visit also gets a free night’s
the content created by Selfie Check In paid, owned or earned - why?
Earned –Somebody else
talking about company
After a full day of
Instagramming, guests can connect smartphones to in-room media hubs to review
images on a 40-inch LED TV, before uploading their snaps via the hotel’s Wi-Fi
vendredi 14 novembre 2014
Hotel Brands Attracting Gen C : Hostel Generation Europe
Brand Personality
The Youth Hostel
concept was born in Germany at the beginning of 20th century. Richard SCHIRRMANN, a
teacher, used to take his students on excursions on a regular basis. These
hikes would often last several days and the children stayed in farms they came
across along the route.
On 26 August 1909,
the group was caught in an unexpected storm. They finally took refuge in a
school. The headmaster allowed them to use a classroom and a farmer gave them
straw to sleep on and milk for their dinner. The storm raged throughout the
night. So while the boys slept, Schirrmann lay awake. This is when the idea
came to him…
As he saw it,
German schools could provide the perfect accommodation during the holidays.
Villages could have comfortable hostels located a day’s walk between them to
welcome young hikers.
In 1912, the first real Youth Hostel opened its
doors. It was
opened in the old castle of Altena, in western Germany. According to
Schirrmann’s wishes, the castle was equipped with two dormitories with bunk
beds, a kitchen, washrooms and a bathroom with showers.
The concept was an immediate success. The movement developed
quickly in Germany and throughout Europe. While the first Youth Hostel opened
its doors in 1912, by 1931 there were already some 2,600 other hostels in 12
countries across Europe, that
means a new hostel opened every 2-3 days!
At the beginning,
the associations of the various countries had little contact with each other.
But that changed in 1932 at the first international conference that took place
in Amsterdam. Soon after, a federation came into being…You can find more
information on this subject here.
today, what is a Youth Hostel?
Obviously, quite a lot has changed in 100 years…The hostels have consistently adapted to changes in society and have
become increasingly more modern. You will find the majority of hostels
equipped as follows:
Fully-fitted bathroom, private or
shared washrooms;
Bed linen available;
Catering service and dining room;
Fully-equipped kitchen available
for guests;
Common room/lounge;
Meeting rooms;
Laundry room;
They are usually open throughout the
year and boast state-of-the-art facilities and equipment. Long gone are the makeshift.

Gen C (4
· Connection
· Community
· Creation
Colors are creative ,Text Typography,
Picture : Young People having fun from everywhere around the
Events : Party or Group activities
Easy to Book a room
Easy to become a membership
Homeage Hub
Easy to stay connected with Social Media
Free Wifi
Personnality Building
Youtube Video
Website in 5 languages
The mobile site
'Responsive Design'
They should do differently/better on :
-More creative picture and
trendy like Pinterest
-Automatic music when you open
the website
-Direct comments from guest
-Online Chat
-Smater Room
Definition of Gen C/Millennial Score
Introducing Gen C - The YouTube Generation
C is a powerful new force in consumer culture. It’s a term we use to describe people who care deeply about creation, curation, connection and community. It’s not an age group; it’s an attitude and mindset defined by key characteristics. Eighty per cent of Gen C is made up of millennials, YouTube’s core (though by no means only) audience.
People in the age group 18 to 34, who make a lot of use of social media and so are considered to be connectedthe people who create and publish material such as blogs, podcasts, videos, etc, on the internet.

The GENERATION C phenomenon captures the an avalanche of consumer generated 'content' that is building on the Web, adding tera-peta bytes of new text, images, audio and video on an ongoing basis.
The two main drivers fuelling this trend? The creative urges each consumer undeniably possesses. We're all artists, but until now we neither had the guts nor the means to go all out. The manufacturers of content-creating tools, who relentlessly push us to unleash that creativity, using -- of course -- their ever cheaper, ever more powerful gadgets and gizmos. Instead of asking consumers to watch, to listen, to play, to passively consume, the race is on to get them to create, to produce, and to participate.
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